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发表日期:2008/8/21 12:08:54
Manager zhang joined the conference of Secretary Xue meeting Chairman of Ting Hsin Group
July 24, 2008, Secretary Xue Xiaofeng of GEDTT interviewed Wei Yingxing who is chairman of Ting Hsin Group, general manager zhang of Honya company attended the meeting.
The purpose of Chairman Wei' visiting GEDTT is to discuss the land problem of Guangzhou Ting Zheng wrapping materials company. Chairman Wei hope that GEDTT should give Ting Zheng 80000 square meter mort than 40262 square meter now.
Secretary Xue expressed that land problem is becoming mort important these days, but the government will concern the requires of enterprises sufficiently and will help enterprises resolve this problem.
Ting Zheng company is going to product soft wrapping materials and it means a lot for the Ting Hsin Group. Honay company as the servicer of this project will do the best for both the enterprise and the government.
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